Our prices
Our price List
We give all our prices up front, their is no hidden fees!

Car MOT______________£45 (NO VAT)
Vans Class 7 MOT_____£55 (NO VAT)
Servicing from only____From £150 + VAT
Wheel Balancing______£27.50+VAT each wheel
Puncture repair______£15+VAT each wheel
New Valve______£15+VAT each wheel
Head skimming_______From £75+VAT
Tracking______£55 + VAT
Diagnosics______£55 + VAT
Vehicle recovery ______From £45 + VAT depending on area (Please ring for pricing)
Battery Checking______Free
Tyres______we have a wide selection or next day availiblity on new ones Please call for pricing
We do fleet MOT testing at a reduced rates!
And Many other services